​1025 N. Belle Vista Ave.
Youngstown, OH  44509

Fr. Mykola Zomchak, Parish Priest

Anna Anderson, Choir Director

Sts. Peter and Paul 

Ukrainian Orthodox Church


православна церква

Святих Петра і Павла

The Jesus Prayer

O Lord, Jesus Christ

Son of God

Have mercy on me, a sinner.

Prayer to Your Guardian Angel

O, angel of Christ, holy guardian

And protector of my soul and body

Forgive me everything wherein

I have offended you every day of my life

And protect me from all influence

And temptation of the Evil One

May I never again anger God by my sins

Pray for me to the Lord

That He may make me worthy of the Grace

Of the All-Holy Trinity and of the Blessed

Mother of God and of all the Saints


Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

All-Holy Trinity

Have mercy of us

Lord, cleanse us from our sins

Master, pardon our iniquities

Holy God, visit and heal our infirmities

For Thy Name's sake.  Amen.

Orthodox Prayers

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father Who art in Heaven

Hallowed by Thy Name

Thy Kingdom Come

They Will be done

On Earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive those who trespass against us

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from evil.  Amen.


Prayer to the Holy Spirit

O, Heavenly King, the Comforter

Spirit of Truth

Everywhere present and filling all things

Treasury of Blessings and Giver of Life

Come and dwell in us

Cleanse us from every impurity

And save our souls, O Good One.

Prayer for the Sick

O, Christ, Who alone art our Defender

Visit and heal Thy suffering Servant (name)

Delivering him (her)  from sickness

And grievous pains

Raise him (her) up that he (she) may sing

To Thee and praise Thee without ceasing,

Through the prayers of the Theotokos

O, Thou Who alone lovest mankind.

Prayer to Your Patron Saint

O, Saint of God

(the name of the Saint)

Pray to God for me

For my home and family


Pray to God for me. O Saint (name)

Well-pleasing to God

For I readily recommend myself to You

Who are the speedy helper and intercessor

For my soul.  Amen. 

Office of Youth Ministry

Online Faith Learning & Fellowship for Our Youth

Prayer to the Theotokos

Rejoice, Virgin

Birthgiver of God

Mary, Full of Grace

The Lord is with Thee

Blessed art You amongst women

And blessed is the fruit of your womb

For You have born the Savior or our souls
